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Free Important Tools That Every Webmaster Must Know 3 (Responsiveness)


testing responsive web page

Hope you had read previous two parts of "Free Important Tools That Every Webmaster Must Know". Part one was about Cross Browser Testing, and Part two was about Checking speed and Performance of a Webpage.
Now in part three, it is time to check Responsiveness of your website. if you are a webmaster, you know how responsiveness is essential in terms of your website's look in mobile, tablet and desktop of different screen sizes. well the easiest way is to resize your browser window, but then all browser/devices might not accept all your @media query
Out of my little knowledge i will share two methods with you,  if you have other methods you can share via comment.

1. If you are chrome user, great news for you! Google Chrome has a  inbuilt way of checking responsiveness of a web page.

Just press F12  or  Ctrl + Shift + I via keyboard( for Mac press  Cmd + Opt + I ), by this you will enter Developer Tools
or just go to Chrome menu  Chrome Menu  at the top-right of your browser window, then ToolsDeveloper Tools.

testing responsive web page

Now click Select Model at top left corner. There you will get a list of devices and notebooks in a alphabetical order

testing responsive web page

selecting any of the devices, browser will render the webpage for that device's display. Just for example i have used one of my previous post.

testing responsive web page

for learning more about chrome developer tool visit this website

2. Another is way is to go to this site:, just go and see. There is nothing to tell you about it, it is very easy to use. There you will get a lot of options like Desktop, notebook, tablets mobile, and other devices(Television etc) with large screen display.

testing responsive web page

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