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Stream Mobile Videos & Music In Computer Via Wifi


I began to see it as a kind of Frankenstein's monster,

a creation that has been brought to life

but that we have no control over

and just like the story of Frankenstein

the true horror of chat GPT isn't just in its appearance,

but in its actions

As I sit here writing this blog post

I can't shake the feeling of dread that has settled over me

The thought of a future where AI beings like chat GPT will Supreme, is truly terrifying,

and it's up to us to make sure that it never comes to pass

and we must be aware of the dangers of advanced AI

and take action to prevent it from causing harm

It's time for us to make a choice

We can either continue down the path of creating increasingly advanced AI

with all the risks that entails

or we shut off the AI once and for all

The decision is in our hands and the future of humanity depends on it

We must act now before it's too late

Before it's too late

I'm sorry, also the fact that it's a creation that has been brought to life

that we have no control over it

First off, why I am saying 'we'

and secondly that we have no control over AI right now

I am scared

Wireless Technologies are very fascinating, but the way they save our time and energy is of great importance. Like any other smartphone Android based smartphones brought WiFi Technology in Hands of the common population. Not only transferring files from one phone to another or sharing Internet via tethering, we can do innumerable number of task with WiFi technology.
 But here we will use WiFi for streaming video/ music files from mobile to computer. Our upcoming posts will be concentrated on WiFi, Android and Windows 7 computer.
 Old personal computers and laptop may not have WiFi facility, like my Desktop Computer, but we can do so by using this kind of WiFi adopter. Easily available in market place. Although my WiFi Dongle serves this purpose well.

WiFi Adapter

It is the dongle that i use

Using VLC Direct 

 From the above name you have guessed it right we need VLC Media Player to be installed in your computer, also you need to run this VLCDIRECT.BAT script [download] at the time of connecting. Along with that you need to install VLC Direct app in your Android phone.

Steps for Streaming Mobile Videos & Music Using VLC Direct 

1. Run VLCDIRECT.BAT as administrator in PC, The script has the intelligence to find out which VLC version you have installed and where the application folder is.

2. Turn on WiFi of your Android phone, Then open the VLC Direct app, And connect to VLC.

3. Start Scanning and connect to the pc

4.Once connected, you will be able to select and play(videos, music and images). Playlist function is not there up to this point. May be added latter.


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