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A Thermoelectric Bracelet That Helps you to keep your Body Temparature adjusted.

27 Oct 2013
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Wristify is a Bracelet that's give you the liberty to adjust your body temparature.

Wristify is developed by MIT students Sam Shames, Mike Gibson, David Cohen-Tanugi, and Matt Smith, who took  the first prize in MIT's Making and Designing Materials Engineering Competition (MADMEC) and they were awarded  $10,000, which was sponsored by MIT’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Saint Gobain, BP, and the Dow Chemical Company.

Their concept was simple - Instead of heating or cooling an entire house or  building, cool a person directly, as cooled/ heated cloth attached to our skin cools or heats our body.
While testing they found that by applying a change of 0.1 C per second to a part of the skin can make the person feel warmer or cooler by a few degrees.
Though it is not yet commercially available right now, the work is in progress.
 Their Prototype is much like a wrist watch, and capable of running for up to eight hours on a lithium polymer battery.

Future Prospect-
Yes, the implication are tremendous, not only it will save us Money and time but it will also, significantly reduce Energy consumption.
As, we know that A.Cs used CFCs which are harmful to the environment and contribute to the Global Warming, surely using this Bracelet, will help us in preventing such bad effects. 

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