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Self Assembling Robots

12 Oct 2013

MIT research scientists have successfully created self assembling Robots. According to research scientist, John Romanishin, at MIT‘s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) all this started in 2011, though his professor Daniela Rus said that the concept for self-assembling robots could not be pulled off. But after teaming up with his professor, Daniela Rus, and colleague, postdoc Kyle Gilpin.Two years later they came up with this.

Mechanism: This Robots are called M-blocks, each contain a flywheel that can reach speeds of 20,000 revolutions per minute. Each cube’s edge is provided with a specialized magnet. Magnets helps to hold two adjacent Blocks together, allowing them to climb, leap, fly through the air and align in a variety of arrangements. 

 “It’s one of these things that the [modular-robotics] community has been trying to do for a long time,” Rus said, he also said that “This is exciting because a robot designed for a single task has a fixed architecture,” . They said that there dream is to made hundreds of cubes identify themselves , scattered randomly across the floor, coalesce and autonomously transform into a chair, or a ladder or a desk, on demand. 

 If every thing goes well, we may see buildings, Temporary bridges etc made of this M-Blocks in coming future .

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